Sunday 2 October 2011

Adam Pyke's 20 Frame analysis of The Prestige opening scene

1.It begins with a panning shot of a pile of top hats in an empty forest, this puzzles the audience.
2.We then see another panning shot of a selection of bird cages containing canaries.
3. We ten see a man take a bird from one of the cages and begin to explain the 3 steps of a magic trick.
4.It then cuts suddenly to a shot of the main antagonist in an audience.
5. Another sudden change of shot shows us the protagonist as the magician leading the show.
6. It then cuts to a long shot from the audiences point of view with them applauding the magician as he reveals his trick.
7. It cuts back to the man holding the bird and continuing to explain the rules of a trick.
8.Cuts back to the magician and his assistant choosing audience members to participate in the trick.
9.The antagonist raises his hand and is chosen to come up to the stage.
10. We see the antagonist and a selection of other audience members inspect a large apparatus on the stage.
11.We see a close up shot of the antagonists face with a mischievous/sinister look on his face.
12.He then proceeds past the stage curtain unasked and claims to be part of the act, the beard on his face is then removed revealing him to be in disguise.
13.The camera cuts back to the magician removing his jacket as the apparatus on the stage discharges bolts of electricity.
14.The antagonist runs below the stage and sneaks his way past a blind stagehand.
15. Camera cuts back to man as he puts the canary in a separate birdcage.
16. Cuts back to the magician as he looks at his machine, backed by a bright light.
17.The antagonist looks at a water tank below stage and looks through the floorboards to see the flashing of the machine.
18. The man with the canary covers the cage with a cloth.
19. The magician is seen entering his machine while electricity continues to pass through it.
20.The man crushes the cloth with the birdcage beneath it as if there weren't one.

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