Sunday 2 October 2011

Jake- Casino Royale- 20 frame analysis

1- A black car pulls up to a building in the snow with a long shot and a stationary camera.
2- Camera changes to man getting out of car with a low angle shot and the man looking nervous.
3- Low angle shot of the man going up an elevator in the building.
4- High angle shot of man in elevator going up.
5- Camera shot of the elevator floor number going up. this adds suspense becuase it shows the man going towards his destination.
6- Man walking very fast down a corridor, builds tension becuase we want to know where he is going.
7- Man opens the door this his office(camera inside room) with a low angle shot, as he walks over to his desk the camera pans with his movement. As he gets to his desk the camera goes behind a chair as if to say there was someone there.
8- camera quickly turns back to man with a close up as he realises there is someone else in the room.
9- Bond speaks and camera turns to him with the other man unfocused in the right of the screen.
10- Camera changes to a closer view of bond as he continues talking
11- Cuts back to original man in a low angle show which makes him seem powerless and vulnarible.
12- Camera changes to both characters on the same level.
13- Man goes over to his desk opens the draw to reveal a gun, and then sits down and continues talking to Bond.
14- Changes to another low angle shot of man in desk taking his gloves off and talking to Bond.
15- Goes back to the Two characters on an even level as they continue talking.
16- Back to man in desk with a low angle show, continuing to show that Bond has all the power. Asks Bond if he is a cricket fan.
17- It then cuts to a flashback of a cricket game with spectators watching.
18- Close up of one of the cricket players catching the ball.
19- Long shot of the cricket batter awaiting the ball.
20- Bowler runs and bowls the ball at the batsmen who hits it for a 6.

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